materials girls: non-profit

This post is a personal application of Materials Science in everyday life. I hope to inspire young girls to pursue careers in science, math, and engineering, specifically Materials Science, through my non-profit: Materials Girls. This was created to teach young women that they are just as capable to pursue careers in fields that are typically male dominated. We are a registered 501(c)(3) in the state of Florida and partake in various meetings and activities to instill these positive ideals in these girls. I have always been fond of the beach, as well, and have personally seen the effects trash can have on the environment. Once a month we host beach cleanups, where the trash we collect will be repurposed and created into a piece of art to give back to the community. We have also performed various experiments testing the difference in numerous materials. We had the privilege of listening to several speakers and visiting FPL. One of our speakers lives in Antigua, working as a marine biologist and repurposing the trash found in coral reefs to create jewelry. Check out Modern Tides if you get the chance!! We met another jeweler who showed us her different process of making rings, necklaces, and earrings by using different types of glass. Check out Liz Rubi Designs as well! We have also taken a field trip to the Technical Services Lab at Florida Power and Light: Next Era Energy to learn about everyday Materials Science. For more information about everything I have mentioned please make sure to check out the website:! If you want frequent updates, please follow us on Instagram: @materialsgirlclub! I would really like to spread the word about this non-profit, Materials Girls, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out via email or DM (on Instagram)!

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